Various web design services, Admin Web

Design, implementation, support services for all kinds of websites

Admin Web Company offers a variety of design services for all kinds of e-commerce websites, companies and ... We have a special respect for the customers' taste.

Customer Satisfaction

Creativity in design

SEO and website optimization

Web design and development process in Admin Web


First part: Determining your goals

We want to know all about you! Part of our on-boarding process involves completing a discovery questionnaire, asking a ton of questions about your business or organization, telling us about sites you love, sites you had and more. Then we'll schedule a kick off call so we can talk over everything you've submitted.


The second Part: Basic web design

This is where the fun begins! Using the information you provided during our discovery and on-boarding process, Susan will work to create a custom design just for you. You'll get a style guide of color, typography and device responsiveness provided along with a full-page initial concept of the home page for your review and input. This is a collaboration, so we want to hear what you think and have your feedback and input during the entire process.


The third part: design and development

Once you've signed off on your design, it's time to build! We'll take your completed concept and turn it into a working website. Once completed, we'll provide you with a private URL for previewing and testing your new site. This gives you the opportunity to test it on all your devices, check that all the links and buttons work, and make sure you like the images and content layout.


The fourth part: Web Content

A website isn't complete until every page has content. We hope that you've been working hard during phases 1-3 to have content ready for phase 4. Your customers have come to the website for a reason, so you want to be sure you've answered all their questions! Content is crucial to every website.


The fifth Part: Setting up the website

Hooray, it's time for launch! That means you've tested, approved, and are ready to make your site live to the world. We'll do all the technical work in this process - getting it loaded onto your server, making it live, as well as any debugging necessary. (We'll make sure Google knows where it is too.)


The sixth part: training and support

Your website is launched, but we're just beginning! We'll schedule a training call so we can walk you through how to manage your website as well as answer all your questions. We'll discuss support options with you at this time too. Your site will need regular care to thrive.

The most common web design questions


All completed projects


Satisfied customers


CMS website design


Dedicated website design